Fractal Gallery is small exhibition of color fractal images of various kinds which has been built starting from different mathematical problems and techniques, as an example of the ways a computer machine can be forced to generate very elegant shapes which are also of special interest for mathematicians. In the following you will find images of:

ball_orange_icon.gif Fractals generated by the iteration of a geometric procedure like the curve of Von Koch;

ball_green_icon.gif Fractals generated by iteration of complex functions like the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets;

ball_blue_icon.gif Fractals reproducing realistic shapes like trees, ferns, mountains and so on.

Together with the images you can find some information about the mathematical problems and computer programs which can generate such plots.

Enjoy a nice tour to Fractal Gallery!

The curve of Von Koch

The curve of Von Koch is generated by a simple geometric procedure which can be iterated an infinite number of times by dividing a straight line segment into three equal parts and substituting the intermediate part with two segments of the same length. Its fractal dimension is given by the definition:

D = log N / log K

where N is the total number of final segments and K the number of parts into which we have divided the original segment.


The shape becomes more complete if we start from a regular triangle instead of a single segment.


The previous plot is easily obtained, on your screen or printer output if you have a Postscript interpreter, by the very simple PostScript program

Nesting the same procedure you can generate higher order approximations of the curve of Von Kock which is the fractal limiting curve. Here you see the second, third and forth order approximations resembling snow christals. If you are interested to the corresponding PostScript programs click on the row at the right each figure.

Koch2.gif PostScript program

Koch3.gif PostScript program

Koch4.gif PostScript program

Koch5.gif PostScript program

ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif You must click on each image if you want to see it in full size.

The Mandelbrot set

The Mandelbrot set is the domain of convergence of the series built up by the complex sequence defined by the recursion law:


in which the starting term for n = 0 is fixed (usually = 0) and the parameter c runs across all the complex plane. Numeric approximation is obtained by computer replacing the series with a finite summation of terms. Usually the escape time method is used. A simple program written for MacIntosh in Quick Basic language which generates plots in 8 colors is MandelbrotX1.bas.


ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif Click that image to see it in full size.

An alternative and generally better way to build up color images of the Mandelbrot set consists in writing down a prgram, in some suitable language (like MandelbrotX2.bas in Quick Basic for MacIntosh), which creates a sequential text file containing the escape speeds, i.e. the number of terms needed for the partial sum of the series to become greater than the fixed upperbound. The text file can be read by a program, like e.g. NCSA DataScope for MacIntosh (a Unix version is also available), which converts each number into a colour density plot according to a chosen color palette. One of the advantage of such a procedure is related to the capability of changing the choice of the color palette in order to reach the best chromatic effect. The files can be saved in the significantly shorter format HDF. A collection of images is presented here.

ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif Click that image to see it in full size.

MAndBallZoom.gif A zoom in Mandelbrot set shows another Mandelbrot

MandAutosim.gif Mandelbrot set is selfsimilar along its symmetry axis

MandZoom.gif A zoom in the Seahorse Valley

MandMax.gif A deeper zoom requires double precision calculations

MandOcchio.gif Mandelbrot seahorse eye

ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif Click that image to see it in full size.

The Julia sets

To each fixed value of the parameter c of the recursion law which defines the sequence we introduced to define the Mandelbrot set we may associate a convergence domain of the same series respect to the value complex variable z for n = 0, when it is not fixed to null value but it runs all over the complex plane. Such domain is the Julia set corresponding to that value of c. A simple variant of the program MadelbrotX1.bas is represented by the program JuliaX1.bas which can generate the following 8 colour image.


ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif Click on each image to see it in full size.

The program JuliaX2.bas generates text files which can be read by NCSA DataScope and saved in HDF format. Here are some plots.

JuliaSeaHorse.gif The seahorse Julia set

JuliaFrontiera.gif Julia sets when c is moving along the boundery of Mandelbrot set

JuliaVertical.gif Julia sets when c is moving along an axis of Mandelbrot set crossing the Seahorse valley

JuliaZoom.gif A zoom into the seahorse Julia set

JuliaOcchio.gif Julia seahorse eye

ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif Click on each image to see it in full size.

Three dimensional plots

Three dimensional plots of Mandelbrot and Julia sets are presented here in which the quote is proportional to the escape speed of convergence of the truncated series.

Mand3DNight.gif A night view of the Mandelbrot set

Julia3Ddendr.gif Julia dentrite like sets

Julia3DSeaHorse.gif A 3D view of Julia seahorse

Mand3DSeaHorses.gif A 3D view of Mandelbrot seahorses

MandEscSpeeds.gif The Mandelbrot set like a gothic cathedral

Mand3DIcedLake.gif Mandelbrot set like an iced lake

Mand3DIcedLakeA.gif Another view of the iced lake

Realistic shapes

Fractals reproducing a realistic shape can be generated in several ways. The simplest way is that of iterating an assigned function many many times and to plot the result at each iteration; the choice of the colour may be random or other. A more refined procedure is obtained by the iteration of one or more affine transformations of the type


The plot tends to stabilize around as many attractors as the number of affine transformations. The collage of the attractors may generate the desired shape. The form of the attractors depend on the choice of the coefficients a, b, c, d, e, f which generate each transformation. This method is known as IFS (Iterated Function System) method. Here are some examples of both fractal types and you can find also the Quick Basic programs for MacIntosh by which they have been generated.

ball_blue_icon.gif Fractals generated by iterated functions

Insect1.gif Program InsectX1.bas A small insect

Insect2.gif Program InsectX2.bas Another example of small insect

Web.gif Program WebX.bas A shape resembling a web

Flowers.gif Program FlowersX.bas Fractal flowers

Galaxy.gif Program GalaxyX.bas A galaxy

ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif You must click on each image if you want to see it in full size.

ball_orange_icon.gif Fractals generated by iterated affine transformations

Tree.gif Program TreeX.bas The fractal tree

Fern1.gif Program FernX.bas An example of fern

Fern2.gif Another example of fern

Leaf.gif An autumnal leaf

Montagne1.gif Program MountainsX.bas A mountain chain with snow at high quote

Montagne2.gif Another mountain chain example

ball_blue_icon.gif ball_orange_icon.gif ball_yellow_icon.gif You must click on each image if you want to see it in full size.

You can continue by yourself to explore the wonderful universe of fractals on your personal computer. If you have a fast machine and a good screen resolution you will get better and better images! Some of them will be realistic, other will be only of mathematical interest, some other will be elegant and decorative...

While waiting that the Fractal Gallery become larger and recher of pictures you may build up your own.