A realistic model, even only of the external shape, of an organ of a living being is very hard to be implemented since we do not know – or perhaps there does not exist - a program code (algorithmic information) shorter than the list of the co-ordinates of each cell (roughly represented as a point on a screen). It may be that the biological code (DNA and more) of a true organ is irreducible to a shorter string than the list of all the co-ordinates involved (incompressible string).
Only a very poor representations can be obtained starting from a short string lik that of a computer program based, e.g., on the parametric equations of a manifold in 3D space like, e.g., the following ones.
Parametric equations

Human heart external shape plotted sequentially
Rough ordered structure generated by parametric equations (short string)
Realistic heart shape generated sequentially by smooth triangles (uncompressed list of data: long string)
A realistic model based on anotomic images has been realized by Bob Huges (open source:http://objects.povworld.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi?X=heart) based on a decomposition of the heart shape into smooth trinagles.
Acting on the uncompressed list of the co-ordinates of the vertices of triangles one is able to obtain a sequentially ordered plot of the heart shape.